Thursday, February 28, 2013

Lemon Drops.

Alright. I like to live.

I find life to be the greatest experience any of us will ever have.

I believe in making each day great, making each day an adventure, and living NOW.

The moment is eternal.

Now, Go read some Emerson- don't read the following section of me whining. 

Oh, and drink some water. 

And tell me to stop @$(%(@#%&*) telling you what to do. Seriously. . 

Here's the problem- 

School. School. School. 

That bullcrap used to be straightforward as heck and I liked it that way. It was difficult, but never extremely time consuming because there was ZERO busywork. We were given materials to study and master, went to classes to discuss their key ideas and the epiphanies we'd gained- in addition to amazing connections from our mentors, and then we finally had simple assignments based off of all that studying. 

It worked. 

It worked well. 

Then, somebody decided that we needed more busywork- because it hurts for everyone when we're all cramming last minute. 

Somehow, somewhere, someone thought "if we assign craploads of busywork every week, nobody will be able to get behind." 


So, we brought back the weekly study guides, the time-based assignments, and weekly "reports." 

And what, my friends has this done? 

It has allowed me to legitimately hate all but one of my classes! 

Sure, I've been slacking off. 

But, here's the problem with assigning mountains of busywork- it's a waste! IT STEALS OUR TIME! IT TEARS THE LIFE FROM THE STUDIES AND DRIES IT UP AND FORCES US TO BREATH IT ALL DAY LONG! I can only take so much before I puke from the Lack of Life. We are not robots, we are humans, and we need life- not merely the dry corpse of reality, the mere facts repeated again and again like some sort of Factory Cacophony. END THAT CRAP, it will suck the life from us and bring us closer to death than any physical action we could do. END THE SHIZ. END THE SICKNESS. END THE BUSYWORK. 

that sounds like some kind of demented homeschool poetry, it's not. It's truth. That stuff is choking me. 

Please don't read all that- I'm wimping out. I guess we just gotta buckle down.

Or whatever.

I'm saddened by facets of our modern internet. How it has become a stupid place where all we do is share hilarious clips and flout our own stupidity. We use the internet as a mirror, rather than as a pool of endless knowledge. What are we doing? Heck, even I now sound like the Amish Grandpa declaring the modern world a waste of humanity... Please Advise.

Whatever. Here: something I do know/legitimately believe.

Go. Have an adventure, live life to the fullest. Live each day as if it were your last. Make today memorable- if not, I promise you it will slide into oblivion. Fear not, for acting because of fear will make cowards of us all- a worse death than anything I can dream of. What are you waiting for to live your dream? Just do it. Someday is today. 

"This could be the day that I die."

Do something awesome.

Live a life worth living.

Be You. Be Awesome. Be Great.