I'm a Randomocitic Panda

How did the pig and the xylophone get into the sewer together? How do they escape?

Idk  but when my shoes jumped into the xen waterfall I had to call my turtle to go pick it up. When the atmosphere shattered it let the stardust in and caused a star ification of reality. The freshly cut grass on the soccer field grew intrinsically into a couple of green earth plant people like shrubberyj

 but then then the stardust fell from the sky and starifiEd them into reality.

When they were starified the earth plant people thought, "havdiBdjoqoebek Kaneohe Gaveahei." which, interpreted means, "I don't know what we are but we should hire a guy to buy us a bunch if roses, and then go to Pakistan and give them to the rabbi of Gargon while we eat the camels of paris

But then the pumpkin jumped off of the Eiffel tower and smashed one of the green people, causing a cataclysmic eruption of lava to spew across the earth unfolding the lost city of atantis. Which looked like a cleaner version of new York city but max of glass and shined about with light.

The other shrubbery green guy imploded from happiness because his friend was dead, but I think the camel had something to do with it. So, the camel ended up on mars and began a Camelopardalis nation, which had "Alice the Camel" as the national anthem. Vaughan moved to Hawaii with a cow and married muhunna the ugly by buying her father with the cow. Muhunna loved the pancakes the cow made and payed it with a Delaware quarter, and the cow called abs was all like, "girl what are you trying to pull hea? You expect me to eat the horse on the quarter? Nuh-uh. Think again Missy...." and so on for a few hours and then she barked like a cat till muhunna went violent.

Then abs the cow died. But the ocean is amazing and specks of stardust floated on it's surfAce and muhammad thought it was  message from the camelopardalian people and he swam out to catch it but...... DUN DUN DUHHNNN!!!!!!

A flying fish flew out of the water gobbleded them up and swam down to the jungle underwater and breathed some diamonds. How did the lake merge with the bananas and became the sea? There is a branch of trees that grows on the underside of the airplane wings.
And a beach in the clouds where cherries live peacefully with dog tongues. But then the telephone lights exploded and lit the sky in shades of light. The light hit the ocean and ignited the stardust which caused yet another starification of reality. The cars driving down the eight lane freeways in new York city felt a strange sensation as the cars wee starified and flew into the air along with the freeway.

After all this the donkey grew a mostach and Ate some yellow ahi terrors because Muhammad said to. He also ate some purple shrubberies. The queen of purple shrubberies also known as Lauren started to be meen to The donkey which now has a really long  mostach trthat could cook soup for Caleb,the king of awesome, who is the donkeys master. And a donkey as well as a egg ate a chicken.

There's is a forest of Christmas trees that grows upside down on the clouds. I need to learn how to surf so I can surf the curvature of the earth. The clouds and the ocean met up for a game of chess and a lunch of starlight soda. They discussed pumpkins and the alignment of the turtles shoelaces. When did the water waterify? On Friday the thirty second at oh three hundred. The dinosaur laid an egg and a chicken camee out and had another egg which teamed up with the mustachioed donkey to eat the chicken.

The sand on the beach falls into my ears and I have to wash it out with the xeon waterfall of light. We cliff jump off of niahra falls and into the shimmer of light signaling the color of the jungle underground.

Suddenly a giant earball appears and listens to the sight of cannibal fingers munching on themselves. The earballs disappear into the shimmering telephone of deception. The fingers are paralyzed by their own spit.

The spit is pAralyzing because it's from the magical land of the floating snow. There is a land where there are floating island with buildings on them that mangos grow out of. There is also a garden where the genie of the rocks lives with his streamlined megafast/enlightened seagulls. Where did you put the sky? I can't fond the sea anymore and I left my soul at the sea. Please help me find the frozen carbon lake. I need to find the dragons and the palm trees.

Helium is good for flying, you should eat some! Going to the dragons requires golden ham as an offering so they don't put you under their toenails (they're impossible to escape from) and they will send you to the palm trees of putridness which grow in their belly buttons (the belly button is escapable but is located in the tail). The trees require a sacrifice so be sure to bring a friend who you won't miss too much. The helium should be taking affect now, you will wake up on Uranus' moon -- the planet of the condensed milk Quackers.

On Quackers there is a mountain the size of a pineapple. Which is rather mango. I wonder if you could freeze the ocean and surf it while being pulled by a parachute. I want to fly. When did the piñata explode and fill the world with cliffs and snow? There's a trees that grows inside out.

There is a frozen lake filed with water and potatoes,or was it tomatoes? I wonder if cars can drive in Canada. There is a stone made of crystLised fire it is as big as a fire. The. Stone is orange like fire but crystalized. I wanna walk down a clof and into the sea and play with the crystalized fire in the water.   Y(>.

Yeaaah boi!! Turds are soo awesome that they are illegal in charlietown. Why do turds smell? They are nasty in a epic way but wouldn't be so nasty if they were lavender mixed with turquoise to make a rainbow sprinkles Sunday of turd.

Enough about turds. I've always wanted to be good at skiing and ski across the mountains in the clouds. There is ice that can blow up when you light it on fire. Dont ask me how I know that! smoky the (high) bear says to not play wit fire so you better not!

Yeah I don't play wit fire-at alllllll. :) there is a cavern in the ocean that leads to the clouds. I wonder if the parrot could rollerblade down the roof and fly away into the cliff.

Hurcules parachuted odd the giant cake and into the trees. Where is the flying turtles? I need them to tow me across the pacific ocean to new Zealand, where ima go to home depot and get some wood and make a 70ft long yacht. Then ima sail around the world without sails using the epicality of the music I will play aboard the yacht to propel me through the universe and across the ocean.

Pandas drinking nestle hot chocolate while rowing bamboo boats through the amazon river like to sing sexy and I know It and party rock anthem. They don't shuffle that well but they can Bernie like pros. Pandas aka the other white meat taste like coal stuffed into a stocking slowly roasted on a spit drizzles with chocolate sauce and dipped in a vat of pig fat.

I'd like to grab my kayak and surf across the Ice cream in my Mtn dew. Then I'll have to take the bowl of water and motorcycle at 300mph.

I wonder if pandas can do parkour? One time I found a panda stuck in my chimney. He was dressed like Santa.. He didn't have any presents though. I had to force him out with a pair of birthing forceps and a lot of butter. We went to a bar and did shots of mountain dew and milk.

I went to tokyo and I found this patch of ocean in the middle of the road and there were twenty foot tall waves in it. So I went for a swim a jumped over a hill of sand and the wave went over and around me and I was caught in suspension and I saw the sunset through the waves and life was perfect. Then the wave smashed me into the sand and broke my nose. Then I jumped into the air and into my car and flew to the stars.

One night I was working the drive through at the BK lounge when a narwhal driving a cadillac pulled up and screamed "WHOPPER NO ONIONS! LARGE FRIES!... I CAN'T HEAR YOU BURGER KING!" so I said "sorry mr narwhal sir I didn't catch that I was too busy bleeding from the ears."

I want to drive a ferrAri across the beach at 2am at200mph under a sky of galaxy's, until sunrise. Maybe one day the sea will explode and get star-dusted, creating a new generation of star sea beings.

How did the rock grow the palm trees from the Sid of the cliff. I think the coconuts might have helped. If you mix coconut milk and pasta you can create a portal to mediterica. There you can fly across the sky in a dirigible forever. There are skyscrapers that are sturdy and made out of clear paper in mediterica. Maybe one day I'll go back to mediterica and sail my dirigible across the sky.

In the chasm of doom there is a rainbow monkey called Steve. He is filled with chocolate and corn. Steve is three bazillion feet high and five feet wide. He is very thin :) Steve once licked a frozen chicken finger and it ripped out his tongue -- it didn't appreciate him invading it's bubble. So Steve doesn't talk anymore he just listens and sings. Steve has a girlfriend called colleen they are very happy together. Colleen is a waitress at the place where Steve lost his tongue.  Maudie diddle due is Steve's best homie. They eat rocks and sing karaoke every wednesday. Steve tastes good.

K-rab the a-rab ate cookies while shuffling on the frozen lake. There was once a bottle of awesome- city that broke and flooded the world. That, combined with the stardust, caused a starification and awesome-izatioj of the world. 6:30 pm time to surf.

6:31pm surf finished and the time for biscuit is upon us! You should get a perm and move to gore coz gore is the Shizuoka.

There is a little boi with a little hat. He reminds me of flying elephants because he is a little boi with a little hat. I wonder what he tastes like, I think that he has the same hair a Steve jobs so that is why he wears the hat. If I went to a haunted mansion I would look for Steve jobs and the money that is hidden behind the vegetables in the fridge

Magic fling chicken gave me a light for a weirdly awesome present so I could as my way in the cave of misfortune . In the cave of misfortune everyone finds fourtune cookies with rainbo sprinkles it satisfies everyone's cravings like fries armadillos. Koop dans ate the flying elephant when it was flying in the cave of many fortunes. Some people think it is ironic but it was because the elephant released the Koolbeans from th stalk ground on the lion in the cave.

After the narwhal placed it's order he asked where he was supposed to go. You follow the one road you're on to me. Jk you drive half a mile and make a right at arco you'll see a little man in a yellow poncho. His name is Larry. He'll take you to the whopper lair where you get your food.

Just make sure you eat Larry bouillon or else the yellow poncho will explode and smash you underneath a monster truck. Yeeeeeeeeeeah. That'd be bad,so make sure you eat him. But don't feel bad, the unicow jumped over the fence and ate a hydrogen balloon. The hydrogen balloon caused bob the unicow to float away into the sky. But don't worry, I took the banana shotgun and got him down.

Candy land is filed with banan shotguns. It is where they grow from childish pistols to matured shotguns for shoot clans in the face, bit don't worry clowns don't die by getting shot in the face because all the little childrens laughter make their heads grow back every thime.  I'm on my way to home, home is q place were all the lazy unicows live and that is why I wasn't at home today but q was simply eating cookies on unfrozen lake. My name is K-rab the A-rab and i love jct.

Jet? Jet fuel. High octane jelly jet fuel. I eat it eight out of the engine. With a spoon. It's kinda like gelatine. But not. It's better. Sometimes you can even get it with a layer of gasoline on top. THAT is the bestest. You should really try it sometime, I tell you what. I'll treat you to a dish of jet next time you visit me in AntArtica/

Once one of my friends crashed ancar while driving drunk. I had had the opportunity to stop him but I didnt. Now his ghost follows me around while offering menhis ghost buy I am not a ghost therefore I can't eat his ghost food.