Saturday, December 20, 2014

a quote


so I read this really interesting quote the other day only I can't quite remember who said it.

Anyhow, it goes something like this:

"When faced with the choice between being cruel or being kind, choose kind. You can always be cruel later."

and yo, I really like that quote.

cause like you can always just not, later. but you can't go back in time and undo or do something. it's a style of living that brings us away from that most horrible idea "if only"

like you can always decide to be unhealthy later, but you can't go back in time and undo that you decided to be unhealthy.

I think it's important to bring the attention back to the fact that we're choosing our fates and like if we realize we're gonna be looking back on this moment we can make hard good decisions.

cause like this is life, man. :D

I saw some dope christmas lights today.

Thank you. like YOU. yes, YOU. Thank you for being alive and breathing and like being cool. :) I just feel so blessed to be surrounded by humans with hopes and dreams and like your humanity opens my world and improves life. And I'm thankful for that yo.

dude like people are so dang cool ok

here's this sweet map of El Capitan #PrettyRandom
