Wednesday, March 21, 2012

-some additional BS quotes

here's a quote I've been "chewing on" :D
"I want to leave you with this thought:

If they took away your money, your house, your clothes, your computer, your television, your cellphone, your tickets to that concert...would you still be happy?

We are a society surrounded by "stuff". This stuff is supposed to make us happy.

We are a society addicted to sharing. We tweet, blog, blast each and everything we do.

My quest for this week is, if I see something beautiful, do something epic, think something profound and no one is around for me to tell about my seeing, doing and thinking... will it mean less?

or perhaps more?

I am going to leave. Just...leave. And I am so relieved to say that. I'm losing touch with myself...and it's scary. Sure, friendships are important. Sure, I love blogging. But I love myself and my sanity more."-Jordan Skousen
idk... (of course like a day after I read that quote I begin blogging....)
I'm an idiot.

What was the other quote?

okay... here it is:
"Your only identity is I AM undefined and infinite. Any label you give yourself limits you." - Deepak Chopra
I take that to heart.
keep being awesome!
(yeah, who am I kidding... nobody is gonna flippin read this... hi cyberspace!!!)


  1. Stink. Julia, we can't both be Cyberspace! *goes off to pout, but then comes back because pouting just isn't cutting it* Of course people are going to read this!
