Saturday, September 22, 2012

Maybe... the bananas will go to church on the tennis courts' sky

One day I'll drive to the moon in a Porsche with power steering.

Just picture it, skiing across the sky listening to music in a Porsche. 

And then, we look back towards earth and where we've come from, and notice that we can look out and see our lives and futures and ideas and 7+ billion other people with hopes and dreams. And then we'll notice that it all is just a fantasical globe of life we call earth. And we'll put out our hands and realize that we can cover up the image of it with a single thumb. And we'll realize how small our problems and issues really are. 

but then, we'll kick on the party music and embrace the world and discover a new species of Moonkey. 

Maybe one day we'll all come to peace in the world. Maybe not. 

She's amazing. 

I legitimately think I'm going to sail a yatcht I build by hand around the world. 

So, I went to San Fransisco twice in two days, Saturday and Sunday of last week... 

Then I went to the middle of nowhere and met the people who lived in Wyoming all week. 

And, it blew my mind. Why do people stop listening? Why do they stop thinking? Why do they stop responding creatively?

People. We're awesome. And, frickin insane. We build bridges, have the greatest technology the world has ever seen accessible to nigh everyone, and yet... we still do stupid stuff. I guess it just a beautiful pile of humanity. 

But, that's not really what I marveled at. What I saw in SF was the complete eradication of pure humanity, with each individual sucked into their technological device, wearing mass-produced items to show their "individuality," and really just being part of a system. It blew my mind. 

Then I went to Wyoming, and I saw... people. I saw junk piles, and people who worked hard year round, I saw fields, I saw the middle of nowhere. 

And, it's people. People just the same. It was strange. 

She's amazing.

and, uh.. physics question.. does the effect of gravity have a speed?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

I am completely insane. 

and uh, "One day too late" by Skillet is bouncing around my skull. 

And the internet connection in Wyoming is pitiful. 

that is all. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Why do my epiphanies come at random times/in random situations?

I sat in the car for like... 14 hours today. 

so. life is awesome. 

Music is life. and not. 

So, I had a really cool epiphany today: 


[^I like how I used caps to make myself  look like a yelling idiot. :]

anyhow, I think it's a true statement, every single moment in life is beautiful and packed full of meaning. You see, life is a beautiful tapestry... and every thread is critical to the whole thing. Although some may be dull or shining, or brilliant or stunning, or just downright boring... all together, the contrast and combination is beautiful. 

I thought the other day about mastery, and living in the moment. basically I just "plagiarized" thought from Leonard George's Book "Mastery" which blew my mind. And, uh... if each moment is as amazing as the next, then mastery isn't seen on the stage where the pianist plays a $100,000 piano in a $5,000,000 building where people pay $120 a ticket to watch. If each moment is intermingled and inseparably connected with the rest, then mastery is simply Beauty. 

Beauty created by a choice in time. 

Maybe I should change my blog title to "musings of a mad man." 

I mean, that's probably copyrighted, so... yeah... 

So, uh... I think... after my 14 hour drive through basically desert to my grandparents house in the beautiful middle of nowhere... I think that, we need to drive sometimes, to go speeding through to emptiness. Just to find the beauty in the supposedly "bleak, blank, in-between space." Just to find the awe amid the nothingness. 

Are goals something we've just made up? 

Maybe I'm a bit too tired. 

Eastern thought is beautiful. 

I want to study telepistemology. [no, I did not make that word up]

The silence was truly deafening, and I mean that completely. 

Now that I'm essentially spouting nonsense, I'ma freewrite for a solid 10 minutes. 

Here goes: 

If you started your day by a week of zen mind riddles, would you be able to eat more window glass on your toast? maybe the answer to the applesauce is the song my grandma thinks is a conspiracy. I think, actually, that's buull. I don't think. or did I? huh? The Odyssey changed the world forever. Innovation is a beautiful thing. 10 minutes is a while, I never really thought about it that much. Pink polka dotted dinasaurs would make good pianists. I wonder what the world would think if I managed to become a great pianist, with my crappy start. maybe I'm just obsesssed with the piano, but I can't spele. I swear that wasn't intentional. maybe the fridge is full of mousetraps and they'll catch the trains of thought I can't manage to find. A thought is a connection, in the most basic form,, so... connections? that's cool. gives a bit of meaning to the "build bridges, not burn them." huh. yeah. I found the silence truly deafening, and that blew me away. I will mediat... MEDITATE... here one day and it will change my life, don't ask my why because the flowers of light will be beautiful in the day that we decide to make dubstep out of discarded ziplock bags and dumpster blinds that broke off the windows. why do I think about windows so much? I really am just one strange loop of randomness. Pianos, chichuahcas, windows... REPEAT> yeah... something like that will change the way we build fireflames and ice cream forever. maybe the answer to the round ice of light is 17 bazillion andpersande symbols. I wanna learn how to wakeboard, and I talk too much about myself, like,... forreals. I think that the ancients knew some stuff we haven't even all discovered hyet. maybe... maybe one day, we'll relaize, REALIZE reality. and it will be beautiful. it's strange, for the first time in history, billions of people have been able to do ANYTHING they want... and they do stupid stuff? what in heck? maybe I'll fly. Eagles and lightning. I'm obsessed with light, I just realized that... or at least my subconscious is. hmm. that's a strange thought, maybe when I go back and read this I'll come to some epical epiphanie that my subcounscious understands and is holding back form *from my mind, why would it do that? that's mean as all red bakpacks, why? 

yup, and... uh... I am insane. 

it's been confirmed by that paragraph of poop. 

Thank you cyberspace for not giving me a notice that my musings have overrun the randomocity allowance for google's servers. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

[Insert some kinda amazing title here]

Aye, cyberspace!

I missed you, I missed writing to you and you just taking it silently.

my desk chair squeaks when I lean back in it.


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Musings of a mad man.

“somewhere along the line, we seemed to have confused happiness with comfort.”


Nobody can understand something for you, no more than anyone can eat something for you.

words are such symbolism.

wisdom is non-communicable through words.

water is stronger than water. strange, eh?

“Find Your Greatness”-Nike

“Who are we–mites in a moment’s mist–that we should understand the universe?”-Will Durant

“More and more, the universe looks like a great thought rather than a great machine.”-Astronomer Sir James Jeans

“If we don’t honor our boundaries, we don’t have integrity.”-The Burger’s Book

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can–begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.”-Goethe

to be a master, you’ve got to be willing to be a fool. Complete vulnerability.

we perceive time differently when we’re indoors vs outdoors, living or existing, thinking or vegetating.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Post title

hello cyberspace!

So... I wrote something epic the other day when I was nearing the end of a notebook used for recording awesome thoughts:

"Oh man, I wanna go live, I wanna leave a mark upon this earth. I wanna change the world. I wanna do something that matters. I don't wanna just live and die like everyone else. I wanna do something different. Build something and also experience as much as I can on my own. I wanna do what's never been done. I wanna think the unthinkable. And, most of all, I wanna change the world and leave a blank page."

and, I think that sums up somewhat what I wanna do.