Saturday, September 22, 2012

Maybe... the bananas will go to church on the tennis courts' sky

One day I'll drive to the moon in a Porsche with power steering.

Just picture it, skiing across the sky listening to music in a Porsche. 

And then, we look back towards earth and where we've come from, and notice that we can look out and see our lives and futures and ideas and 7+ billion other people with hopes and dreams. And then we'll notice that it all is just a fantasical globe of life we call earth. And we'll put out our hands and realize that we can cover up the image of it with a single thumb. And we'll realize how small our problems and issues really are. 

but then, we'll kick on the party music and embrace the world and discover a new species of Moonkey. 

Maybe one day we'll all come to peace in the world. Maybe not. 

She's amazing. 

I legitimately think I'm going to sail a yatcht I build by hand around the world. 

So, I went to San Fransisco twice in two days, Saturday and Sunday of last week... 

Then I went to the middle of nowhere and met the people who lived in Wyoming all week. 

And, it blew my mind. Why do people stop listening? Why do they stop thinking? Why do they stop responding creatively?

People. We're awesome. And, frickin insane. We build bridges, have the greatest technology the world has ever seen accessible to nigh everyone, and yet... we still do stupid stuff. I guess it just a beautiful pile of humanity. 

But, that's not really what I marveled at. What I saw in SF was the complete eradication of pure humanity, with each individual sucked into their technological device, wearing mass-produced items to show their "individuality," and really just being part of a system. It blew my mind. 

Then I went to Wyoming, and I saw... people. I saw junk piles, and people who worked hard year round, I saw fields, I saw the middle of nowhere. 

And, it's people. People just the same. It was strange. 

She's amazing.

and, uh.. physics question.. does the effect of gravity have a speed?

1 comment:

  1. Do you know how amazing that was to read? In case you didn't, it was awesome. Thanks. Physics question answer: No. It gives an object speed, if that makes sense, but it doesn't really have a speed.
