Saturday, December 20, 2014

a quote


so I read this really interesting quote the other day only I can't quite remember who said it.

Anyhow, it goes something like this:

"When faced with the choice between being cruel or being kind, choose kind. You can always be cruel later."

and yo, I really like that quote.

cause like you can always just not, later. but you can't go back in time and undo or do something. it's a style of living that brings us away from that most horrible idea "if only"

like you can always decide to be unhealthy later, but you can't go back in time and undo that you decided to be unhealthy.

I think it's important to bring the attention back to the fact that we're choosing our fates and like if we realize we're gonna be looking back on this moment we can make hard good decisions.

cause like this is life, man. :D

I saw some dope christmas lights today.

Thank you. like YOU. yes, YOU. Thank you for being alive and breathing and like being cool. :) I just feel so blessed to be surrounded by humans with hopes and dreams and like your humanity opens my world and improves life. And I'm thankful for that yo.

dude like people are so dang cool ok

here's this sweet map of El Capitan #PrettyRandom


Monday, November 24, 2014

interstellar and "on blogging"

hello internet

I'm tim erickson

it's been a while. awhile.

and today I saw this movie "interstellar" and what do you know, Christopher Nolan does it again.

It was really great you should go see it. No like seriously, top 10 easily. I never even see movies in the theatres but that one, it was way worth it.

Another crazy thing is that Frozen, yeah, it came out almost EXACTLY A YEAR AGO

if that doesn't stop you in your tracks and have you like "what?" Then, well I guess that's nice.

I'm really not sure where this post is going, and I guess that's why I haven't written in a such a while. See, when I want to make a blog post, I get to it and I'm like "wow I have like nothing to say."

And then when I have something to say, I'm like nahhhhhhhh.

So here's an attempt at trying to not be like "nahhhhhhhh"

I think the digital blogging thing is kinda weird. For example, I read some blogs and they always seem to run like this: "6 WAYS TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE TODAY" and then list some simple good things or they are just blogs by my friends and they post random stuff that is heartfelt or somehow i find heartfelt and im like wow that's great and I love every single blog post.

I want to run the 2nd sort of blog.

But I guess that's not the underlying motivation, really. The fundamental motivation is to make art, and to share a piece of my subconscious, my conscious, and my world.

It's so I can speak my truth. Wow that sounds all fancy my bad.

There's a lot of elephants. 

Ah, so something I've been thinking about. I feel like there's 3, maybe 4 things that we do with our time. There's the things we do/would do if we were like "I'm going to live this day as if it were my last", there's the ones where we prepare for the future and act like we're looking back at 60 thinking "what would I have done" so that I'm rich or educated or whatever, then there's the chasing of ephermeal impulses- "I'm going to sit on facebook for 3 hrs now" and then there's the last sort which I haven't really considered that much and that's the sort where you're sitting in a meeting that's a complete waste of time and you're like "this. this right here. this is completely worthless." 



you don't have to remember any of that. just basically that I want to live my life more fully in the "moment yolo style" and also more fully in the "plan for my future yea" 

and I think that's something valuable we could all go for. 

I think I'll cut that. 

No really. Go see interstellar. I feel sorta bad that this is like a running advert for some movie but like actually, it's real good.

Also. Yo, you got this. You're on BA human being, yes you. Go grab life. Right now. Do something radical.

And now that I'm signing off, and I've restated like my desire to go live more and also that I hope you, whoever you internet reader is, whomever you are- that you go and be awesome. Well anyhow, after all that, and all grammar aside, I remembered this really interesting video clip a seriously epic human being shared that you should probably see:

our time is limited. that's all. let's party. life's rad.

Monday, January 6, 2014

this one fish said to this other fish

we walk through life totally unaware of many things.

anyhow, this one fish said to this other fish who was a young fish "how's the water?"

and the young fish was like, "the water, what the heck?"

and the old fish was like, "haha"

so yeah. that's sposed to be deep or whatever:

"the fish never questions the water it's in"

look around and see the world.

try not to take your 1st world life for granted

our consciousness and view of the world is by default from the first person. you never really get to see reality through anyone else's eyes, you merely see and experience things from your personal self.

everybody else. all 7 billion perceptions, those all are human. each one of the people you see are experiencing reality and their entire reality is through only their own eyes.


so yeah, I guess that's maybe part of the water which we never give thought to.

"I am not by own. For I have been anew"

mostly we just need peace.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Generic Post


life. it's amazing. here's why: we exist. do you realize how freakin amazing that is? our very existence is so freakin beautiful and improbable and yeah man.

also, here's a trip for you: you are the universe. technically, from a scientific standpoint, that's what you are. you are an expression of the universe and so am I. you're the matter of the universe combined in that human over there and I'm this piece of the universe chillin over here. So yeah, think about that. Think about that next time and realize like what gives this piece of stardust the right to hurt another piece of stardust? I dunno, just think about how like, you're the universe. also think about how you're alive. cause we forget that all the time.

think about it. or not, just let it drop past as you file it into your "I'm cool and my horizons are as broad as they can get already" filing cabinets (don't do that.) seriously, take a sec. I think it'll do you good. it makes me happy. anyhow.

go forth and be rad.

here's something cool: (cause you've prolly seen it a thousand times but I haven't shared it here and I think I should )

here's a good song:

and yeah. life is beautiful. it's amazing we're all alive. :D