Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Maybe Heaven Right Now is Just a Devil or Angel Away.



here's the free writing:

I drank a sunset. It burned my tongue, but gave me the motivation to free climb an overhanging boulder, up 35 feet. I stood on top. Looked into the infinite ocean and dove in. Broke two bones. It hurt like hell but there was a dolphin that taught me to grow gills and told me all was well. I rented a guitar and sat on the ocean floor. It was effortless meditation. I learned of permanence and lack of attachment. I dreamed. And dreamed. I dreamed millennia of dream in a single moment. And, in the space between the moments- I became anew. I felt fish swim through my fingertips. And the pulsating energy of life and reality flowed through my every pore into my heart. A jewish man telepathically asked me for the address of a kangaroo. I opened my eyes and realized all of reality was made of tiny particles, all the same. I saw paradox.

Alright. But. In all seriousness. I think I might be addicted to slacklining.

I have a LOT of school to catch up on.

I will conquer.

But seriously people. Take a moment- and reflect on this beautiful reality we are and are in.

Serve, Become, and Conquer.

If you don't change anything, the end results won't change either.

Life is a gift, don't waste it.

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