Wednesday, July 22, 2015

golden circle

well the camera decided to go awol.

so most of the pictures from today will be uploaded later.


I saw some geysirs today. Then I ate lunch on a mountaintop and met two cool british professors. We found this waterfall and explored where the american tectonic plate and the eurasian tectonic plate diverge. pretty cool stuff. We also got to see gulfoss waterfall.

expect pictures bc rad.

also. got some bomb as doughnuts at this icelandic bakery. and then, hit up a hamburger shop called "the burger joint." shshshshshshshsh

aiiiight. so photos not of the golden circle taken afterwords- just hangin in reykjavik.

some flowers

selfie in this enormous church in reykjavik 

statue in front of said church 

american food praise it

or blaze it 


also they have horses out where we are staying so that's pretty cool. this one has swag. 

blue lagoon posted late


So posting yesterday didn't really work out. Hashtag the blue screen of death.

So. This is TUESDAY's post.

Basically I swam a mile, went down some waterslides, played in a wave pool and then went to the blue lagoon.

The blue lagoon is ranked one of national geographics 25 wonders of the world and yea.

pretty rad place. check it out if you have the inclination. I'll mebbe post a photo later. I don't have photos on hand.

also. check out these videos that one of my dad's students, chase made of the iceland adventure:

anyhow. enjoy. I joined the adventure late so I didn't join them for all of that. but yeeeeeeeee check those waterslides- went down them holla.

//edit- since seen the majority of them things pictured in videos yeeeeee//

oh and then after that, I rode into another unpronounceable town with my dad's student, Adam. We went slacklining and then got some more ice cream bc ball is life son, ball is life.

s/o to greg for letting me bring the webbing

adams first solid walk on a slackline- gloriously captured 

gummy bears and vanilla, don't try this at home kids. 

see those ducks. they were brave. they were stupid. they crossed the street. 

make like a duck and party. 

Monday, July 20, 2015

captain's log

alright so I rode about 35 miles or so all around reykjavik today on bike. it was pretty great.

some highlights:
-the ocean
-walking into random churches and checking out architecture
- riding down random hills

I made video logs throughout. here's the abridged version:

uh. please excuse these. the original videos did have my entire face in them not just unflattering angles of my lower face... but in formatting for video... uh. anyhow. enjoy. also this video was automatically generated so... yea.

oh and it's windy so you prolly can't hear everything I said so yea. if you have any questions hmu lol.

if you would like the full version you can order it on vimeo on demand for $9.99 or just click here

Saturday, July 18, 2015

I don't have a phone, but "Guess what? I'm in Iceland"

alright so we just went on this really great 3 day trip around southern iceland


I wrote this out for posting on day two (day one of our iceland adventure)-

This country is friggin spectacular. Dunno how I was lucky enough to get here.

Basically, we spent today on a bus.

It was excellent. We drove from Reykjavik to just past Joksalaron.

Insanely beautiful waterfalls, hills, lava fields. Wow dude.


Played some soccer with the students from like 10-12. So surreal cause its just dusk lolol.

Also, man I really need to get some chacos lol- my feet have been so so wet.

Ok. Also I saw this house that chris burkard took a picture of while we were driving and that was cray. I was like "WAIT I KNOW THAT FARM HOUSE YO"

okay. also. got to hike behind this incredible waterfall and just. mind BLOWN.

Day two was also sweet.

We went on this sweet like 8 mile hike through Skaftafell National Park. There was this cool waterfall called svartifoss.

pretty sick. 

Then we hit up Jokulsarlon Ice Lagoon which was dope as. 

Day tres.

Day four out of the total.

So we got to go to Jokulsarlon again.

And we drove for a while and it was super clear and beautiful.

got to walk on this glacier that was pretty great.

And we also got to go to the straight coolest waterfall: skogafoss.

alright now here's the image dump: 

no pun intended. this is just the best picture I think I've taken so far. not saying much but anyhow. great little icelandic toilet. 

i was inspired by r steven's seminal work with coca cola products and his spot-on product placement. 

nice little waterfall we saw today. photo credit: dad 

So we watched "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" tonight. and this clip is legitimately the most relatable thing I have ever seen in my life: 

like seriously. cannot pronounce anything here. 


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

alright are you ready for the white girl? //edit later//


so in a ridiculous turn of events, I went from part time manual laborer to adventurer. mum texted me all "hey you want to come to iceland? we found an uber cheap flight see you tomorrow" and push came to shove and now i'm in iceland.

this blog is so that I can sum up all the good stuff and have a more accessible log of my experience. And maybe grandma or your pet gerbil will follow along--for some good times and also some examples of Tim white girling hard in a foreign country.

-so the bathrooms are really cool here like they are straight out of a futuristic ikea thing
-the light switches go down to turn on rather than up
-it doesn't get dark till... it doesn't really get dark
-they have this really great yoghurt stuff called skyr and it's a non-newtonian fluid so it's really fun to play with food anyhow
-they have really great hot dogs here
-and dude all in all iceland is friggin sick homie it all feels surreal


it was straight up delish.

alright. Now here's some photos.

straightaway pretty much I found this duckling named charles and he is a good duckling

they put all kinds of crazy stuff on these lamb hot dogs and call it traditional and it's really good 

we got up on top of this unpronounceable cathedral and here's a picture over reykjavik, out there in the back is the peninsula where we are staying. 

my super healthy meal that actually was really good. Holla AJ look. Oh and that thing is a chicken wrap... it was like chicken, and spinach and some fancy sauces. 

"eye brow game on fleek"
"please buddha, you're so basic"

finger man strikes again

our friend oliver showing us the straight up greatest ice cream thing ever

white girls

it's called "tasty fox" and they take toppings and blend them into the ice cream and it's really good. Also a thing to do is to combine black licorice with chocolate. it's good. 

higher definition glory of that shot i threw up on instagram. aka the midnight sun. It's pretty crazy and so beautiful and so quiet and just gorgeous here. 

also. the indie version.