Wednesday, July 22, 2015

blue lagoon posted late


So posting yesterday didn't really work out. Hashtag the blue screen of death.

So. This is TUESDAY's post.

Basically I swam a mile, went down some waterslides, played in a wave pool and then went to the blue lagoon.

The blue lagoon is ranked one of national geographics 25 wonders of the world and yea.

pretty rad place. check it out if you have the inclination. I'll mebbe post a photo later. I don't have photos on hand.

also. check out these videos that one of my dad's students, chase made of the iceland adventure:

anyhow. enjoy. I joined the adventure late so I didn't join them for all of that. but yeeeeeeeee check those waterslides- went down them holla.

//edit- since seen the majority of them things pictured in videos yeeeeee//

oh and then after that, I rode into another unpronounceable town with my dad's student, Adam. We went slacklining and then got some more ice cream bc ball is life son, ball is life.

s/o to greg for letting me bring the webbing

adams first solid walk on a slackline- gloriously captured 

gummy bears and vanilla, don't try this at home kids. 

see those ducks. they were brave. they were stupid. they crossed the street. 

make like a duck and party. 

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