Sunday, April 29, 2012

I've decided to write randomness for 5 minutes everyday.

I've decided to freewrite randomness for 5 minutes everyday... I used to do this and it was really cool. So, I figured I'd start doing it again.

here goes:

the timer is counting down as we drink a glass of water. I want to be friends with a dolphin because I think he'd be able to explain why the pink flying polka dot missiles are hunting the oceans. it's a cupcake. I don't know why I talk about pandas and cupcakes so much. Anyhow, there's a piano floating on the ocean being played by an elephantine shrub that got starificated into reality. Google doesn't accept my words. She's amazing. The princess fly into the sky propelled by the thoughts of humanity. Maybe we'll find the garden gnomes when we throw the house at the garden bench. what would the pen draw if we could starificate it? The blimp fell into the ocean because it was so fat. I want to drive accross the top of the ocean waves in a ferrari at 200 mph in the middle of the night under the night sky. Why are mountain lions called lions? What makes people do stuff? I like bread. She was saved by the treefort parachutes. What's a question? The Xeon waterfall fell through the terminal. There's a koala bear subway in the substrate. Maybe one day w

^sorry, 5 minutes is up.

Here's the question I've been thinking about:

why is it so much easier to give people stuff when you're like broke?

If I knew why I was posting this... it'd be legit.

I survived.

...and I suddenly don't know what I'm doing.

She's amazing.

Anyhow. I survived.

I would amaze you with some list of all the stuff I did this last week... but I'd rather not.

For two reasons,
#1) that's boring for you
#2) that's boring for me
#3)cause I said there was only two reasons

I'm trained to be a lifegaurd and I am a certified EMR.

omgosh, I talk about "I" a bit too mucho. 

So basically, last week I took 8 finals, in addition to reading 1384 pages and writing 9 papers. (I didn't make any of that up btw. It really was 1384 pages.)....

oh, did I mention one of those finals was a 30 minute oral exam?

Sometimes, nothing matters... yet at the exact same moment everything does.

So yeah, I want to bounce.

I want to go somewhere new.

I want to go climb.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sometimes I contemplate weird things. (Especially when there’s something I don’t want to be doing that’s hanging over my head)


I really really want to say something random right now… but sadly (haha, luckily for you) there’s nothing I can come up with.

So… sometimes I wonder about really strange things.

I have this feeling where I want to just publish this post w/o any reason for posting it. like right now…

nah, I’m not going to post it quite yet.

Tron is amazing.

It’s about a digital frontier.

I don’t know if you’ve seen it…

but you should go see it if you haven’t.

now, the movie is really cool and everything,  but that’s not why I’ve been thinking about it… I’ve been thinking about it because it opens my mind to the possibilities. What if we really could immerse ourselves into computers? What is life? is it merely the transfer and interaction of information in beautiful ways? …what’s beautiful? how do you know? what’s with all these questions we can’t come up with real answers too? we don’t know WHY 1+1=2….. it just kinda does. it’s beautiful, but in-explainable. When we try to explain it, we just kinda form air into a “solid foundation” for our argument of explanation.  <—- that’s the real name for a rolly-polly <—-kewl song that I’m decided to structure my lifestyle around… kinda.

Okay, so now I don’t even know what I’m babbling about. That’s probably a good place to stop, right?

I’ma stop.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Cut your own path. Think different.

"Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

We must forge our one paths.

We cannot be part of the crowd.

Dare to be.

Dare to think different.

Dare to Dream.

"Just do it"-Nike

Seriously everyone, choose to be somebody.

let's not blend in, let's conquer.

Saturday, April 7, 2012




this long story is very long and complicated and has many twists of plot and mystery...

^yeahno. (I was trying to find a cool intro... and iFailed)


or else you'll end up having to write a horribly boring blog post like the following one:


My childhood....

was bland, and I didn't appreciate the awesomeness of being a little kid... I didn't really do anything amazing or be insanely creative or random... Maybe that's why I'm so random and "creative" and why I do stuff like draw with crayons...
I think it's because I never did all that stuff when I was a kid...
So, now that I've poured out my heart about that...

Question #2: favourite city....

It'd have to be.... um... let's say...

okay, I really have no clue...

Imagine some beautiful village in the himalayas that I haven't been to where there's a forest and stuff...

and that's it.

Question #3: color?

I love light...

see, light is every color ever... but it's not a gay rainbow... it's just perfection...

#4: Favorite star?

It'd have to be... The Sun....

but seen reflected off of the ocean... the most awesomest thing ever...

#5: my favorite sock...


my friend says that she has this sock that is purportedly "knee-high, horizontally stripped, blue and green"... now, I'm not sure if this sock really exists since she refuses to take a picture of it...

but, since all of my socks are boring and plain bland colours... I'm going with that one...

[crud, that's not MY sock... forget that... there is no #5 guys.... it just skips from number 4 to number 6... true story]

#6: A story about a childhood tricycle...

as I said before, my childhood was boring, bland, and wierd.... I didn't have a tricycle... and I didn't play with crayons...
and yeah

but tricycles are awesome....

#7: My Favorite song...

I don't have one...

here's my grooveshark... you could probably find something good there:

#8: the first thing on my bucket list...

Change the world for the better

#9: The places I'll go

Go get a map of the universe...


that whole thing

-and if they cant invent faster then light travel...

then get a map of the world

and there's your answer

#10: Am I going to dye my lawn purple?

if I'm still random as a middle aged man, definitely.

#11: how did I become so awesome?

I dunno... there's a wikihow page for this:

oh, and here's another good one:

“The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” ~ Ayn Rand

#12: The number one epiphany I've had...

You have the unlimited potential within you, why not find it?





^that's me pretending to be yoda and sync into the timespace of the universe...

it didn't work.


We need to harness it, no?

Then what the heck is it?!?!

What is creativity?

How come we're so sure some people have it?

like Dr Suess or Steve Jobs or Walt Disney or Edison or Benjamin Franklin or WHOEVER.....


what's genius?

how does one become a genius?

how do you unleash pure creativity?

is there such a thing?

what's the point of just thinking and thinking?

what's the point of wearing matching socks?

okay... now I'm just plain babbling.



how do we tap into it?!?!


I want to go live. I want to go ditch the sorry disgrace of most of humanity and just...

go live. pure and simple.

I think I'm going to do something like this: (and if you don't believe me... just watch bro... I got this)

it annoys me when people don't post on their blogs

I have officially decided that when people don't post on their blogs it annoys me... cause I go to read some epicalosity and I end up staring at the same post I've read once a week for the last year...

and this makes me sad

so, in the unlikely.-

[EDIT- "terribly unlikely"]

yes, in the unlikely event that I myself have anyone stalking me like that... I think I'ma try and keep things interesting...


life is good

guys, seriously....

it is!!!

I mean, c'mon... what's better?!?

and you can just decide to be awesome and chill...

and it just works!!!