Sunday, April 29, 2012

If I knew why I was posting this... it'd be legit.

I survived.

...and I suddenly don't know what I'm doing.

She's amazing.

Anyhow. I survived.

I would amaze you with some list of all the stuff I did this last week... but I'd rather not.

For two reasons,
#1) that's boring for you
#2) that's boring for me
#3)cause I said there was only two reasons

I'm trained to be a lifegaurd and I am a certified EMR.

omgosh, I talk about "I" a bit too mucho. 

So basically, last week I took 8 finals, in addition to reading 1384 pages and writing 9 papers. (I didn't make any of that up btw. It really was 1384 pages.)....

oh, did I mention one of those finals was a 30 minute oral exam?

Sometimes, nothing matters... yet at the exact same moment everything does.

So yeah, I want to bounce.

I want to go somewhere new.

I want to go climb.

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