Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sometimes I contemplate weird things. (Especially when there’s something I don’t want to be doing that’s hanging over my head)


I really really want to say something random right now… but sadly (haha, luckily for you) there’s nothing I can come up with.

So… sometimes I wonder about really strange things.

I have this feeling where I want to just publish this post w/o any reason for posting it. like right now…

nah, I’m not going to post it quite yet.

Tron is amazing.

It’s about a digital frontier.

I don’t know if you’ve seen it…

but you should go see it if you haven’t.

now, the movie is really cool and everything,  but that’s not why I’ve been thinking about it… I’ve been thinking about it because it opens my mind to the possibilities. What if we really could immerse ourselves into computers? What is life? is it merely the transfer and interaction of information in beautiful ways? …what’s beautiful? how do you know? what’s with all these questions we can’t come up with real answers too? we don’t know WHY 1+1=2….. it just kinda does. it’s beautiful, but in-explainable. When we try to explain it, we just kinda form air into a “solid foundation” for our argument of explanation.  <—- that’s the real name for a rolly-polly <—-kewl song that I’m decided to structure my lifestyle around… kinda.

Okay, so now I don’t even know what I’m babbling about. That’s probably a good place to stop, right?

I’ma stop.

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