Saturday, October 20, 2012

If you write "-2-2 x =" on a piece of paper, your pencil will make a rhythm similar to Chim Chimney, from Mary Poppins.

9 times 3=27

at this point, it's like... past the time I should be in bed, considering the early hour I must arise at tomorrow... and the fact that I haven't got more than 5 hours of sleep a night for the last 4 days. 

at this point, I don't know why people don't go outside

at this point, I've decided that I'm going to san fransisco more often

at this point, I'm tired of typing "at this point." 

at this point... ha...... ha...... jk

Porsche 911 Turbo

and the color of peace is the ocean. 

the ocean isn't a colour. 

yes, you can spell that two different ways. 

I think I'm insane. 

roller coasters don't give me an adrenaline rush anymore. 

maybe I'll become a legitimate spray paint artist... like.... those ghetto gangstas.... but instead of spray painting bridges... I'll paint plywood in my backyard. 

86,400 seconds in a day. 

one day I'll be able to write without this dumb stream of consciousness thing that doesn't make any sense. 

why the heck is she so perfect?

I have 4 shelves full of national geographic. 

did I mention I'm insane? 

I dunno why, but I seriously like this song... it's like... really "clean" dubstep... (and by "clean".... I mean that the notes are really "dubstepped"... it's like electronic). They (random people on the internet) speculate that the song was written about Taylor Swift. .... juuuuust in case you were wondering. 

speaking of awesome music... okay, so... since nobody's gonna actually click on that link up there, cause it's dubstep and the only people who like dubstep are DJ's.... here's another one... #notdubstep #inspirational #freakinamazing #youbetteratleastlistentothisone 

... ladies and gentlemen, here it is: (link) 

and, just to urge you to watch it even more, here it is... like no joke, this vid will change thine life... 

if you make someone smile in your day, you have made a difference for good in the world... a wonderful, beautiful change. 

I guess the reason why I don't practice the piano all that much anymore is because my legs don't fit underneath the piano so it's ridiculously uncomfortable to play... 

One day, I'ma ditch this sorry mimic of civilization and go live, for real. 

My new aspiration and adventure plan is to start taking the train to San Fransisco all the time... and parkour, study, explore, and slackline the city and marin headlands. 

Additionally, I found a dirt cheap sailing club that will teach me to sail for free.... and I think I'ma join. 

Things lead to their opposites. 

We need to meditate. 

This one guy, I don't even know him... but he wrote something flippin epical: 

"Look up my friend, look up to that night sky above you. Those stars you see, impossibly far from where you stand, are the same ones I see. Those stars, some have witnessed the birth of humanity, others burned out a millennium ago and all we see is an echo. Impossibly far away, yet  impossibly close, I hope the vastness of the universe makes your troubles melt away and brings you back to another time, I know it brings me back.  I see these stars over me, and I am comforted by that fact that the same stars shine over your head. One day, that may be the last connection we old friends have. It is a promise, a promise that as the years pass, we will never be completely alone. That we will always have this, a faded photo, a scribbled note, a memory of days gone by. A promise that us two weary travelers one day will meet again, and watch the stars together again, separated by neither mountain nor sea."-Brendan Illis

he didn't write that to me, just so ya'll know... I just found it online. 

the bold may not live forever, but the cautious never live at all. 

Go forth and seek potential. 

"each day's a gift and not a given right. Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind and try to take the path less traveled by." 

Watch the stars, and find the epicality in it all. 

I'ma get good at mountain biking. 

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