Thursday, November 29, 2012

I've been dreaming instead of sleeping these days, It can't be good.

dem old disney movies are hecka goodz

I dunno about you, but when I was a kid, I thought the "D" in the Disney logo was some sort of convoluted G.

I think I already mentioned that.

Yeah, back in those days... kids had imaginations, crayons, and Dr. Suess

Now, these kids have iPhones, facebook, and no dreams.

Did I mention that I find it tragic?

The best advice for studying: 
1) Get off the interwebs (the social networks, youtube, blogging--but not just yet!!!, itunes, twitter, etc)
2) Take breaks (real breaks, like to eat food, exercise, meditate, basically just clear your mind, cause hey, studying is tough)


This video makes me look at my life differently:

(oh, and as a side note... did I mention that that last video I posted about "Questions no one knows the answers to."... that vid was made by the guy who invented TED :)

Now that you've watched that, you should go apply it to your life. I guarantee it will make it more awesome.

Stephen Hawking is a boss. 

Ever wondered if we could synthesize a dream on a piece of old fashioned printer paper? 

And here's one more video, this one just flippin inspiring: 

Anything is possible. Go live your Dream. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, it's Parker Romney

    I have a comment about the imagination deficit from modern technology here:

    I also have a few comments on, "What if money didn't matter?" here:
